Should You Hire an Executive Career Coach?

Are you at a crossroads?

Maybe you’re ready to turn your career up a notch?

Make more money at your entrepreneurial venture?

Shift groups at work?

Develop your confidence?

Enhance your executive presence either at an existing job or in preparation for a new job?

If you answered yes to any of these, then executive coaching might just be the secret sauce you need to strap a jetpack to your dreams and power blast off!

Back in 2022, Marlo Lyons spilled the beans about who should hire a coach in a Harvard Business Review article that I loved, so I’m here to share the deets in a way that feels like a warm chat over coffee. Mind you, as an ICF coach, I always encourage anyone who is considering working a coach to reach out and connect directly. Book time face-to-face with them so you both get a sense of each other, because it’s a two way street. While I love hearing from prospective clients to gain an understanding of where they’re at and how ready they are to invest in themselves and their futures — I turn down prospective clients. Maybe they don’t seem committed enough? Maybe they don’t seem like the type of person who can keep to a set cadence of calls? Whatever the reason, it’s important to have great chemistry with your coach! You want to like the person you’re going to be rolling-up your sleeves and really working with.

Marlo had some great buckets of thought about who should hire a coach, and I don’t see any reason to reinvent the wheel. Take a skim and see if these don’t resonate.

1. Discovering Your Next Career Move: Feeling a bit lost in the job maze? Don't worry; it happens to the best of us. An executive coach isn't just a guide; they're your career compass. Lyons suggests they can help you uncover those hidden gems of career choices, ones you might not have thought about.

2. Crafting a Powerful Resume: Let's talk resumes! They're not just boring documents; they're your personal marketing tool. An executive coach is like your resume magician, helping you showcase your skills in a way that dazzles recruiters. It's about simplicity, substance, and making sure your resume shouts, "Pick me!"

3. Overcoming Past Career Traumas: Ever had a job end in a way that it felt like you went through a bad breakup? I get it. Moving on isn't always easy, but an executive coach can be your career therapist, helping you heal and move forward. I had a client who had a decade-long impressive career, only to face a series of unexpected twists. They left some jobs by choice, others not so much, but over time the exits left their confidence shaken. Together we worked on looking at reframing their experiences to get then back in the game. Today they are thriving in a new role, making more money than ever and feeling deeply confident that their past is an asset to

4. Mastering the Interview Game: Are interviews giving you jitters? No worries! An executive coach is your backstage pass to a stellar performance. From tricky questions to executive charm, they'll fine-tune your skills and even throw in some practice sessions. You'll be interview-ready and rocking that executive presence.

5. Career Stagnation: Feeling a bit stuck in your career? Executive coaches aren't just about finding new jobs; they're your growth gurus. Coaches can help decode feedback, conduct 360 reviews, and help you chart a course for that next big leap in your current role.

As I mentioned you’re going to want to test the waters out with any coach you connect with. Imagine it like speed dating but for coaching! Know what you need, be open to unexpected services, and sample sessions with different coaches. It's about finding the ideal match for your personality AND your career journey.

And let's not forget the coach's credentials – it's like checking reviews before trying a new restaurant. Look for that International Coaching Federation stamp of approval. Consider the cadence of sessions, and how you will feel most comfortable chatting – whether in person, on the phone, or via video. Some coaches meet weekly some bi-weekly. I personally see clients on the first and third weeks of every month. I want them to have the time to follow up and shift between sessions, and when I was coaching and being coached, coaching weekly didn’t feel spacious enough to me. Plus I

In a nutshell, executive coaching is a journey where you take the wheel. Lyons wraps it up by saying, "Be ready to put in the work because only you can achieve your goals." and I couldn’t have said it any better.

If you’re ready to embark on having more impact, making more money or landing a new job let’s talk.


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